My Bar Mitzvah
If you are reading this, it means that you found my web address on the bottom of my invitation. Congratulations and welcome to my website! After reading about my Bar Mitzvah, feel free to click on the buttons below and check out the other pages and pictures on my site.
The Service
I am very excited about the Saturday morning service during which I will read from the torah for the first time as a Bar Mitzvah.
I have been attending Hebrew School since I was in Kindergarten and I have always taken my studies very seriously. I think it is very important to learn as much as possible about my heritage and my religion. I am currently enrolled at The Bergen County High School for Jewish Studies, where I am continuing my religious education on an advanced level. This semester, I am taking classes on Jewish ethics, the Holocaust and special events in Jewish history.
In addition to my formal studies, I have been preparing at home for the Bar Mitzvah service. Since January of 2003, I have spent a minimum of two hours a week learning the different prayers that I will be chanting on April 3rd. I know I will be ready; let’s hope my voice is, too.
For those of you
who have not been to Temple Emanu-El before, I think you will find it to be a
very nice synagogue. The stained glass dome is really spectacular! It is a
good thing, too, because you will have plenty of time to stare at it. It is a
long service! While the invitation calls for the service to begin at 9 AM, you
should know that the morning service begins at 9 and the torah service, a.k.a.
the Bar Mitzvah service, doesn’t start until 10. (Rabbi Haber, I hope you are
not reading this!) You may notice that some people arrive way after 10, but if
you want to hear my speech and my singing, 10 AM is a good time to arrive. The
service will last until about 12 :15 PM or so, but we promise to feed you after
My Mitzvah Projects
Feeding the
hungry has always been an important issue for me. My family and I made
centerpieces for the
Kiddush (the lunch served after the services on Saturday morning) using canned
and other non-perishable foods, shrink wrap, hot glue and a lot of patience.
Instead of large floral arrangements to adorn the sanctuary, I will have two
baskets filled with pastas, sauces, jams, cookies, and other sweets. After the
Sabbath is over, we will bring all the food to the Center for Food Action in
Englewood, N.J., for distribution. I am also participating in a project called
"Duffle Bags for Israel". I will be sending desperately needed school supplies
for school children in Israel so that they may continue their education and
The Party
After all the hard work, it will be fun to celebrate this important day in my life!
OK, let me first answer the big question.
“Yes, you MUST come in costume!”
For those of you who are still grumbling, relax, it’s fun, it’s a party and when did you get so cranky? If you still have complaints, you can tell them to Judy or Howie Topal at the party, because this all started with them.....
Movies are a big part of my life and I enjoy watching all types of movies. Did you know that I have watched Ocean’s 11 over 50 times and I have lost count of the number of times I have seen Mrs. Doubtfire? Did you know that my brother is trying to memorize The Godfather, that my mother cries every time she sees The Wedding Singer and that my dad thinks that Planet of the Apes (the original one, if you really need to ask) was a classic? I thought it would be cool to see what movies other people liked, so, this is your chance to be creative, HAVE FUN and be someone else for an evening!
The only option that is unavailable is “Austin Powers” because that is MY favorite movie character and it’s MY Bar Mitzvah. Now that I’ve told you what I’m coming as, you can click below on the “What everyone’s wearing” button, to share your ideas. Remember, imagination counts!
For those guests who need a little extra help, you can explore the “Costume Resources” page by clicking below. Believe me, if it’s out there, my mom has found it on the web and listed it for you.
We will have music, lots of food (it’s kosher) and plenty to do. I hope you can join me and have fun!